Business Process Improvement

Improve Business Processes & Begin Driving True Value

KEEAP™ is a proprietary methodology framework for improving business process outcomes, eliminating inefficiencies, reducing cost and improving customer satisfaction.

KEEAP Process Level Lifecycle Framework showing stages of Known, Effective, Efficient, Adaptable, and Predictable.

KEEAP™ utilizes a maturation framework your company can leverage to strengthen its business process practices and performance. The main framework stages are:

  • [K]nown (are processes and procedures identified, known, and documented?)
  • [E]ffective (how do we know processes are working and effective?
  • [E]fficient (can we make processes more efficient?)
  • [A]daptable (how can we make processes adaptable to a constantly changing environment?)
  • [P]reventive (how can we monitor and control to manage process level risk?)

Schedule a consultation to discuss a strengthening (or current pain point) of your business process practices.